Honey MMP Procedure

Honey’s owners were concerned about her worsening lameness. After examining Honey it was clear that there was a problem with the left knee and x-rays were advised.

Under general anaesthetic, x-rays were taken and Diana (our surgical Vet) diagnosed a partial cruciate rupture of the left stifle (knee). Initially conservative treatment was tried, but after several weeks of painkillers, rest and physiotherapy, it was clear that poor Honey would need surgery if she was going to live an active and pain free life. Diana spoke with Honey’s owners about their options, and it was decided that Honey would have an operation called a Modified Maquet Procedure, (MMP).

A precise cut is made in the bone of the tibia (shin bone) and a honeycomb-like titanium wedge is placed where the bone has been cut. This pushes the tibia forward and helps the patella tendon to stabilize the joint. Precise measurements are taken of the bones from the x-rays so that the correct sized titanium wedge is inserted. The honeycomb effect helps the bone eventually grow into the wedge.
Honey had her operation which went without any complications. She came back two months later for routine follow-up x-rays which showed good healing, so we were able to sign Honey off and allow her to return to normal exercise.

 None of this would have been possible if Honey’s owners had not followed post-operative instructions regarding medications, rest, and physio. A well-performed operation is only half the story, good after care is essential. So well done to Honey’s owners, we hope you enjoy many lovely walks together.